
Showing posts from 2016

Picture Storytelling

Today we were told to find an image off of google and write what we thought the movie would be about from the image. We chose this image here and as shown above the plot we went with was based of off the cardboard man. We decided that he was made out of Christmas present boxes and he would come to life as everyone went to bed. He would then go on an adventure to find someone like him to have as a friend. His emotions change throughout the movie and that is highlighted in his face. When he finds his friend the movie would fade out.

What do we expect to see in the opening two minutes of a feature film?

Forest Gump Film Opening - How much of the plot is introduced in the opening two minutes? Absolutely nothing is shown to do with the plot in the opening. This opening is unique in comparison to other films as it shows a feather floating down from the sky and eventually falling at his feet. If you have previously seen the movie you would know that the feather represents him and his life. It resembles the ups and downs through the movement it takes. It's also white as that is the colour suite you always see Forest Gump wearing. How many key characters are there? Forest  Gump is shown towards the end of the opening when the feather falls at his feet. However it is not made clear that he is a key character as there is no dialogue or indication to make this clear. Is there much dialogue? Within the opening two minutes of the movie there is no dialogue at all which is unique in comparison to most other movies. Movies usually have dialogue

Practice Coursework

What was the task? The task we have been set by Mr Cole is going to be completed over the half term and we have been told to put together the opening two minutes of a film. It needs to include the following things; a lady/man aged 50+, on a bus/train, a spade, a streetlight, bright clothes. The plot line we come up with has to include them ideas which includes the setting, cast, costume, prop and lighting. What elements of mise-en-scene were given? Mise-en-scene is placement of props on stage to give a realism effect or a purpose to give a scene a more realistic approach. we were given: a 50+ year old adult, colourful clothing, spade, streetlight and a bus or train. this was all chosen at random and it is very hard to link in but the art is that you can make anything with any mise-en-scene elements as it shows originality and creativity. Initial plot ideas We first thought of filming on a bus as we had to include a bus or train in the video opening. instead we decided to film ne

What do we expect to see in the opening two minutes of a feature film?

I had a list of nine aspects that are all key parts throughout the movie. They are the following; Make sure people get it Using dialog Introduce a character Starting at the beginning Give an induction of genre Creativity and originality Introduce a setting   Use variety of camera shot angles Titles and credits I had to order them in level of importance during the opening two minutes of the film. Personally I believe making sure people get the movie plot is the most important. The opening two minutes could be the decider to whether or not they want to watch the rest of the movie. So personally I believe this is the most important. For me the second most important I think introducing a character is very important to the movie opening. If someone sees the key character and gets to know them at the start they will be more addicted to the movie. All others can be placed in any order dependent on personal preference.

Premilary Task

Preliminary Exercise: On Thursday last week we completed our preliminary task: A continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in the chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. Demonstrate match on actions, shot/reserves shot and the 180-degree rule. Technically, what is the 180 degree rule in the context of this task? The 180° rule is when two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another.When the camera passes over the invisible axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line and the shot becomes what is called a revers   What is match-on-action? Cutting on action or matching on action refers to film editing and video editing techniques where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action. A common example is a man walking up to a door and reaching for the knob. W
Hello all! So this post will be the whole record of the film opening project, which involves two characters created in class meeting at a location we were given. CHARACTER CREATION Firstly, I should establish the character creation, and who I managed to make. First, we were given a sheet with pictures of famous people, yet still obscure enough that they couldn't be identified by anyone in the class. I chose a man in his 50s, who reminded me of Ted Cruz. (mitt Romney) I decided to make him a murderer/mercenary called Theodore Cruel, who has committed over 50 murders without ever being caught. He's in his mid 30s (he looks older than he is), has been divorced and has an 8 year old daughter who is his whole world. (my character sheet) My guess of who he was was fairly close; he was a presidential candidate, but not of 2016; he was 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney. I decided to stick with this character, and not make another, different one.