Big Fish


Big Fish is a movie purely created using the writers imagination. Unlike other movies which are based on true stories Big Fish is a story told by the main character (Edward Bloom). He told his son past stories in his childhood which were all truthful but over exaggerated. His son believed all the stories of past were just to entertain him. This made him frustrated with his Dad as he just wanted to hear the truth. The stories he told made him and his dad fall out as Will had enough of his dad not being around. He was fed up of him not being there and then telling all these stories which Will thought were lies. He basically called him an awful dad and stopped talking to him for three years.

After three years had passed his mum phoned to tell him his dad had made a turn for the worse. He and his girlfriend immediately flew out to him to be there for him. However him and his dad still have problems at this point. During his stay with his dad his condition worsens. However he tells him of this time he visited a witch who showed him how he would die. He told his son this isn't how he died but he yet again didn't believe him. He continues to tell him all of these stories which his son doesn't believe. Eventually his condition worsens and his father dies. At his funeral all the characters his dad told him of come to the funeral and he is in disbelief. Edward bloom used the stories to make his son happy but he didn't see it in the same way.


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