Filming Review

What worked well - With are group we wanted to get the filming aspect out of the way as soon as possible. This would give us more time moving forward to edit the film to the best of our abilities. We ended up getting are's all filmed before January the 10th. This gave us an age to edit and complete blog posts which was perfect for the whole group. It also gave us the chance to make any adjustments to the film that were thought necessary. We were also very organised with all equipment we needed to use during filming. I provided the camera and tripod for the filming and the rest of the camera equipment was provided by the school. With the equipment we had we found it useful to get shots that were harder than the ones we would have been able to get without that same equipment. Actors were also very good with being at the places required on time which allowed us to stick to the schedule we had set ourselves.

What didn't work well - To be totally honest as a group we were very organised before filming. We all arrived at the locations on time and with the correct gear. The only slight problem we had was the camera battery running out whilst we were out filming so we had to head back to pick up another one that was on charge. Apart from that everything worked very well.

Anything that might/does need to be re-filmed - During filming the two minute film opening we recorded all clips a couple of times so that we had a back-up just in case one didn't work as well. All the clips or back-ups turned out to be fine apart from the lighting in some. However this was easily adjusted in premier pro. Therefore we didn't have to re-film any clips which was good to not have to worry about.

Did everything run smoothly? - When out filming on both days everything ran perfectly apart from the camera battery running out. This was easily sorted with a change of the battery. There were no major problems which were perfect for the production of the film.

Any changes you are making? - Originally we were only going to film the running scene that the main character is shown in segments during the movie. However, we were recommend to change it up as in places the opening was boring. We agreed an therefore decided to add in the night time beating up scene. After making these changes the two minute opening looked a lot better then it had done before.

Any ideas you got as you went along? - The scene in the two minute opening where the boy is hurt was thought off as we went along. We decided it would be good for the main character to discover him towards the end of the scene as it would make the audience question if he was okay. Of course with us coming up with this idea it aloud us to also film the night time clips which lead up to the boy being found on the floor.

Did you use storyboards to good affect? - To be totally honest we didn't take advantage of the storyboards. We sort of ran of our own imagination to create the opening scene. We believed this would work better in comparison to following a storyboard which in my mind is sort of a set of rules.

Jordan Rolf


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