Target Audience

What is the target audience?

Deciding on the target audience was quite easy for us. We wanted to create a movie opening that we would enjoy watching. We went for this approach as it meant we would enjoy it more and therefore put more effort into. This cancelled out genres such as romance and horror. As all three of our lives are pretty similar in regards to are social aspects we decided to approach the movie with an action take. We all enjoy action movies so therefore we thought it best for us to make an action movie ourselves. As the movie we wanted to make was action we decided to target sixteen year olds and upwards. The movie also has a narrower target audience within the age range we set out. The movie is based on a young adult who wants to turn his life around and become a boxer. Therefore this movie also targets anyone with a dream. This is because we believe it will inspire teens and young adults to chase their dreams.

What is the target audience for each of the following genres? 

Comedy - The target audience of a comedy film is very dependent on the content of the film. For example children’s films labelled as PG’s or U’s can have comical scenes in which would link it to the comedy genre the films would appeal to young children as well as parents as they are often family film, however the audience would be completely different for a comedy film labelled as a 12 or a 15, these films have the target audience of the certificated age given to the movie as the base, the movies are likely to appeal to people over the labelled age of film simply because comedy has a large target market appealing to larger proportion of the comedy theme market. The final age partition of the comedy target audience is 18 certificates, these film although still based around comedy are often more explicit in terms of language and scenes, making the film heavily aimed at the over 18s. 

Horror - The target audience for a horror movie is directly aimed at a specific group of people unlike comedy. Horror's are for those who are thrill seekers and are mainly aimed at older teens and upwards. The natural meaning for a horror movie is to create a fear for the audience. Horror's create a tense atmosphere and scares the audience into thinking the next jump scare could be at any given point. Horror's almost force fear into the audience and create something you don't seem to get with many other genres of film. 

Action - Action movies cover a wide range of movies and audience. There multiple different types of action movies ranging from James Bond to Star Wars. Action movies are massively successful and show of a wide range of jaw dropping moments. For me i can't thing of a specific target audience for an action movie age wise. Anyone from kids to old adults love watching the star wars movies however, i personally think the action movie genre is watched more by males. Whereas women love watching romance movies i believe the male gender dominates the target audience for an action movie. 

Drama - Drama films are all about building a connection with the audience and the character. The genre reflects the characters emotions to the audience and create a relationship between the character and the audience. This connection is most likely an emotional one and therefore targets females. It's easier for females to build an emotional relationship with a movie character. Loads of movies create the connection between the audience and character with the events that happen within the movie. This example is used very noticeably in The Titanic movie. This is one of the most famous movie scenes ever and creates a strong emotional connection with the audience members in the short amount of time. 

Romance - Romance movies are usually based on a relationship which is most likely two people who fall in love during the duration of the movie. This connection between the two characters almost works in the same way as the drama genre. The characters feelings for each other usually creates a connection with the audience as well. This is all a genre where the audience targeted are most likely woman for fifteen upwards. Some romance movies are also targeted at younger teens and children such as tangled. 

What would be the target audience for your idea so far? And how would you attract these people to watch your film?

Currently i believe we are going to be aiming are movie at teenagers and young adults. We want to create an action movie that will involve a dream being achieved. Currently we don't have that many ideas but soon we are going to develop them. We want the gender targeted to be male as we believe this will allow us to push towards a movie we like and therefore will put more effort into creating. 

Jordan Rolf


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