Dialogue Continued

What are the positive effects of no-dialogue in the examples you have used? And what are the negatives?

Dialogue in the opening of movies is vitally important to attract the audience into the movie. The movie opening should give the audience an idea of what is going on and how the movie is going to continue. In examples where dialogue doesn't occur i was left with an open mind to what could continue in the rest of the movie. You're never definitely sure on what is going on but it's up for interpretation. This makes the audience minds start to work and try to figure out theories for what could happen in the remainder of the movie. However, with there being no dialogue it could bore the audience and put them off watching the rest of the movie. As well as this sometimes the opening can be completely different to what follows in the rest of the movie. Personally i prefer having an opening scene with dialogue as it draws me in and make me want to watch the rest of the movie.

What are the positive effects of dialogue in the examples you have used? And what are the negatives?

After i watched the opening scenes that included dialogue i then went on to watch five movie openings with dialogue in the first two minutes. I enjoyed the film openings with the dialogue and enjoyed them a lot more to the ones without. I believe this was the case because it gave me an insight to what was going to happen in the remainder of the movie. This for me creates a much better picture in the mind of the audience to what is going to happen in the film. It also brings the audience into the movie more and creates a relationship between the cast and audience. However, dialogue can come as a negative as well as it doesn't give the audience a freedom of imagination to what could happen in the rest of the movie.

Definition of dialogue - take part in a conversation or discussion to resolve a problem.
"he stated that he wasn't going to dialogue with the guerrillas" 
a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or film.
"the book consisted of a series of dialogues"

What issues do you think your own coursework could face by using dialogue? What issues do you think your own coursework could face when using dialogue? 

There a few reasons why using dialogue could create a few problems in the development and production of the coursework. Firstly, a two minute film opening is a lot longer then first believed. The shots within the coursework are around 3-8 seconds long each. Therefore this creates a long task when trying to write a full script for the full two minute opening. We decided to have very little dialogue due to this reason. We believed that we weren't able to create a good looking opening with dialogue as we believed most of the dialogue would be rushed or elongated to fill empty areas. Therefore we decided to scrap major use of dialogue in the opening scene. We used dialogue when the boy was found as we believed that it caused more of a dramatic affect when you found out that the boy was unconscious. The final shot where the boy was fading in and out of consciousness obviously meant he didn't use dialogue but the fading affect almost made it feel as if he was communicating with the runner.

Jordan Rolf


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