Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule:
First Location - As we had to film one of the sections quite early on in the morning it was necessary that we were up early enough in the morning to catch the sun rising over the buildings so the quality of the shots improved. Are first filming location was Barnham Broom. We chose this location as there a little to no cars running through the village and no people walking round. This would help us as nothing would disturb us from filming at that time in the morning. Filming took around three hours on the day. First of all we filmed the indoor shots which took us around an hour. We decided to film in this order as it would give the most realistic affect with natural light. When the running scene was filmed it was around 9:30. This time was when the sun was beginning to rise over the buildings and break through the trees. This have a really good look on the shots that we filmed. 

Second Location - As we felt we needed to add to the movie opening we decided to film another night so we could kind of explain the reason for the young kid to be found laying on the floor in the morning. We felt that it would be right to film this part of the opening at night as it would lead into the morning where he was found. When deciding where to film we thought of the bridge over one of the main roads that go through Wymondham. The bridge provided the spooky atmosphere that we wanted to show on this section of the film. The bridge had small lights on which provided perfect lightning for the shots required. We filmed at around 8'oclock at night till around 10. This provided the spooky atmosphere required in the chasing scenes. 

Jordan Rolf


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