
Showing posts from February, 2017

Prop List

Whilst planning to film we had to think of props to use when filming the actual media task. As are movie was quite a simple running scene morphed in with finding a body whilst on the run. The only prop we really found necessary to have was a basket ball when finding the boys body as he was lying in the base ball court. We also needed to organise what clothing the actors had to wear. We found Harvey, the runner, should wear tracksuits and a running jacket as the weather represented in the camera looked cold. We found it necessary that he also wears a hat as it made the shot on the camera better in my personal opinion. We thought that Joseph, the child who was found on the run, should wear a hoody and tracksuit bottoms as he was playing basketball previous to whatever made him unconscious on the floor. We decided to give Harvey (the runner) a water bottle. This made the fact he was a runner clear to the camera which gave the audience a clear appearance.        Equipment:  DSLR filmi
Big Fish Storytelling Big Fish is a movie purely created using the writers imagination. Unlike other movies which are based on true stories Big Fish is a story told by the main character (Edward Bloom). He told his son past stories in his childhood which were all truthful but over exaggerated. His son believed all the stories of past were just to entertain him. This made him frustrated with his Dad as he just wanted to hear the truth. The stories he told made him and his dad fall out as Will had enough of his dad not being around. He was fed up of him not being there and then telling all these stories which Will thought were lies. He basically called him an awful dad and stopped talking to him for three years. After three years had passed his mum phoned to tell him his dad had made a turn for the worse. He and his girlfriend immediately flew out to him to be there for him. However him and his dad still have problems at this point. During his stay with his dad his condition worse


My week with Marilyn During a double media lesson we watch 'My week with Marilyn'. I personally thought the movie was interesting to watch and find out more about the way Marilyn acted when on and off set. The film was set around Colin Clark and his first movie job. He was the third assistant director and had to look after Marilyn during the later parts of the movie when she was arriving late to shoot the certain scenes. During the time they spent together Marilyn and Colin both realised they like each other. They went on a date together where the two of them kissed. During this time Marilyn was married but she realised and had found out her husband didn't love her. One night Marilyn asked for Colin to come over and look after her as she was feeling ill. They slept together and in the middle of the night Colin was awoken by a screaming Marilyn. At this point Marilyn asked for a doctor and claimed she was pregnant. After this point Marilyn and Colin didn't see each ot

Animation Task (Anfield)

We were set the task of creating a small animation. After creating the animation i have decided that i would much rather stick to film than animation. We took around 70 photos which lasted just longer then five seconds. This shows me that i would much rather focus on film than implimenting animation into my coursework. I looked at several other stop animation artists such as Jan Svankmajer who has created many movies through stop animation. Personally i don't like the way in which it is filmed. I believe the genre of film doesn't fit in well with a real life movie but when used in movies such as wallace and gromit it looks really good.


What is Dialogue? - Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play or film. For some dialogue is seen as a focused and intentional conversation, a space of civility and equality in which those who differ may listen and speak together. Dialogue creates the pathway for the movie and sets the characters emotions and way of thought. Is dialogue necessary in the opening two minutes of a film? - For me dialogue is not needed within the opening two minutes of the film. One of the best and most successful movies of all time (Forest Gump) has no dialogue in the opening two minutes of the film. The start of the movie follows a white feather falling through the sky which represents the life of Forest Gump (the main character). After watching the movie it comes apparent that the feather shows the ups and downs he has during his life. The feather is also white and his iconic clothing is always a white suite. The opening clearly represents this without any dialo

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule:     First Location -  As we had to film one of the sections quite early on in the morning it was necessary that we were up early enough in the morning to catch the sun rising over the buildings so the quality of the shots improved. Are first filming location was Barnham Broom. We chose this location as there a little to no cars running through the village and no people walking round. This would help us as nothing would disturb us from filming at that time in the morning. Filming took around three hours on the day. First of all we filmed the indoor shots which took us around an hour. We decided to film in this order as it would give the most realistic affect with natural light. When the running scene was filmed it was around 9:30. This time was when the sun was beginning to rise over the buildings and break through the trees. This have a really good look on the shots that we filmed.  Second Location - As we felt we needed to add to the movie opening we decided to

Dialogue Continued

What are the positive effects of no-dialogue in the examples you have used? And what are the negatives? Dialogue in the opening of movies is vitally important to attract the audience into the movie. The movie opening should give the audience an idea of what is going on and how the movie is going to continue. In examples where dialogue doesn't occur i was left with an open mind to what could continue in the rest of the movie. You're never definitely sure on what is going on but it's up for interpretation. This makes the audience minds start to work and try to figure out theories for what could happen in the remainder of the movie. However, with there being no dialogue it could bore the audience and put them off watching the rest of the movie. As well as this sometimes the opening can be completely different to what follows in the rest of the movie. Personally i prefer having an opening scene with dialogue as it draws me in and make me want to watch the rest of the movie.

Target Audience

What is the target audience? Deciding on the target audience was quite easy for us. We wanted to create a movie opening that we would enjoy watching. We went for this approach as it meant we would enjoy it more and therefore put more effort into. This cancelled out genres such as romance and horror. As all three of our lives are pretty similar in regards to are social aspects we decided to approach the movie with an action take. We all enjoy action movies so therefore we thought it best for us to make an action movie ourselves. As the movie we wanted to make was action we decided to target sixteen year olds and upwards. The movie also has a narrower target audience within the age range we set out. The movie is based on a young adult who wants to turn his life around and become a boxer. Therefore this movie also targets anyone with a dream. This is because we believe it will inspire teens and young adults to chase their dreams. What is the target audience for each of the following g

Attracting your target audience

What ways would you go about making your target audience want to come to see the film? There are multiple ideas i have to how i can attract the target audience to come and see the film. As are film is an action movie targeting males between the age of sixteen and older we believe advertising the movie will be successful if we follow these steps. Firstly we believed advertising the in male based areas would work best for us. Therefore sporting events such as football which are male dominated in attendance will be good and cheap for us to advertise at. We could also build a movie trailer which we show between TV sports programs. We could also launch a large advertising campaign on social media as it's free and can reach millions of people all across the world. Therefore social media would give us free international advertisement which in other forms could cost loads of money therefore taking away from the profit created on the movie.  Advertising the movie in movie theaters is also

Images whilst filming

Jordan Rolf

Filming Review

What worked well - With are group we wanted to get the filming aspect out of the way as soon as possible. This would give us more time moving forward to edit the film to the best of our abilities. We ended up getting are's all filmed before January the 10th. This gave us an age to edit and complete blog posts which was perfect for the whole group. It also gave us the chance to make any adjustments to the film that were thought necessary. We were also very organised with all equipment we needed to use during filming. I provided the camera and tripod for the filming and the rest of the camera equipment was provided by the school. With the equipment we had we found it useful to get shots that were harder than the ones we would have been able to get without that same equipment. Actors were also very good with being at the places required on time which allowed us to stick to the schedule we had set ourselves. What didn't work well - To be totally honest as a group we were very org