
Showing posts from March, 2017


Our rough cut video can be found here:


The video can be found here:


HARRY'S HOUSE - BEDROOM SCENE - MORNING  ( Harry wakes up to his morning alarm and turns it off then he sits up on his bed and puts his white t-shirt on and leaves the room) HARRY'S HOUSE - STAIRWAY - MORNING ( Harry continues to walk down the stairs into the hallway)  HARRY'S HOUSE - DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - MORNING ( Harry walks through the downstairs hallway from the stairs)  HARRY'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING  ( Harry enters the living room and sits down on the sofa, he then puts his shoes on stands up and puts his coat and hat on in the mirror. After that he looks in the mirror and throws a few jabs walks to one of his units grabs his water bottle and leaves the room)  HARRY'S HOUSE - DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - MORNING ( Harry leaves the living room into the hallway to the front door opens it and leaves the house)  HARRY'S DRIVEWAY - MORNING  ( He shuts the door behind him and begins to run up his drive onto the village pathway)  VILLAGE PATHWAY - MORNING  ( Turns


HARRY'S HOUSE - BEDROOM SCENE - MORNING  ( Harry wakes up to his morning alarm and turns it off then he sits up on his bed and puts his white t-shirt on and leaves the room) FLASHBACK  ( Alfie is walking along a pathway)  HARRY'S HOUSE - STAIRWAY - MORNING ( Harry continues to walk down the stairs into the hallway)  FLASHBACK  ( He carries on walking under the bridge)  HARRY'S HOUSE - DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - MORNING ( Harry walks through the downstairs hallway from the stairs)  HARRY'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING  ( Harry enters the living room and sits down on the sofa, he then puts his shoes on stands up and puts his coat and hat on in the mirror. After that he looks in the mirror and throws a few jabs walks to one of his units grabs his water bottle and leaves the room)  HARRY'S HOUSE - DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - MORNING ( Harry leaves the living room into the hallway to the front door opens it and leaves the house)  FLASHBACK  (Afie realises he is being follwed which l


Characters and Casting Final character profiles and cast list of who is playing who? The character profiles are the same as before we decided we liked the idea of the background and life therefore there is no differences to be added. Cast list; Harvey Folkard - Plays the part of Harry Bloomfield Joe Kirby - Plays the part of Alfie Jones Jack Kirby - Plays the part of the Unknown man Images and justification of the casting members? The reason why we used Jack shown in the first image to play the part of the unknown man is because he understood the role clearly and knew what had to be done but also that we had a dilemma with the other actor that was supposed to be playing that role therefore Jack stood up and done it. The second image is Harvey who plays the part of Harry Bloomfield and we used him because we felt for the boxer needed to be someone who looked older and stronger to give the impression of being a boxer which we feel like has been portrayed well. The final image is J


 These are our storyboards for the two minute opening:


Justify your reasons to why you used these locations? The reasons why we used the two locations that we had which were in Barnham Broom and Wymondham is because they were easy to access as we live in the village and town so we didnt have to worry about transport to get to the location. Another bonus of using these locations is that we didnt have to ask anyone for permission to use the facillites therefore we could just get to the location when it was quite and film. The final reason why we used these locations is that we felt is was the best suited place we could find so that it fit well and worked with our plot line. How did this setting help you contruct a mise en scene? Using this location we were able to use props that were already placed there such as the board that alfie gets chucked into meant we didnt have to make something or get something that the unknown man could hit him with. The lighting was natural due to the open space we had therefore it met the needs of our pl


Barnham Broom Park and Jack's House Have you thought about the weather conditions and availability of the location? We have arranged a date were we can use jacks house in order to film the first scene of our opening which will be the 2nd of January so we will have all morning to get all the footage required and then as we move on to the car park it is a public area therefore we are getting up early in order to avoid the cars parked in there so we have a wide space to work with when filming. We have looked at the weather for that day and it looks like the conditions will be fine to work with but we will decide on the day but at the moment with are sticking with that day. Why is this location so good for what are you trying to achieve?    This location is our first choice as its in a village away from major roads and people therefore this prevents us redoing sections over and over again as there will be no background noise to intervene with the dialogue we want to include