
What are the conventions of music in film openings in the following genres;

Comedy - music is very important when showing a trailer therefore the music has to fit the scene to make in more funny therefore the type of music used in comedy is generally upbeat and joyful music to create a humorous atmosphere and it also emphasizes the comical side of the film. In most of the top rated comedy films they have used music such as its Now or never by El Vez, Jump man by Drake and Future and also Don't stop me know by Queen. These songs are upbeat and involve a bit of comedy but the main purpose of them is they make the scenes they are involved in more funny and better for the audience to watch.

Horror - in horror they use a lot of non diegetic sound in order to set the mood of the film by using that will put the audience on edge and make them more aware of the spooky music in the background. Therefore they can understand when the most scariest parts are coming along and it means that more suspense is created making it more enjoyable for horror fans. In the top rated music films three example of songs they have used are Taped voices by Joseph Bishara, I'm afraid of Americans by David Bowie even though the song is generally not scary it fits in with the scene its used in to create a more intense scary experience for the audience. The majority of music involved in horror films is there to make the scene more intense to spook the viewer more.

Action - the music involved is similar to the music used in comedy its upbeat and fast or they can be slow and tense for the following reasons keep the audiences attention, to get the adrenaline going if for example something like a car chase is happening and to build up the big scene usually a fight scene. There are many songs that are used in action films and three examples of this are Backdoor Breach by David Buckley and John Powell, Deadpool Rap by Teamheadkick and Lemuria star by Henry Jackson. With these songs you can tell that they are either in known as the big fighting scene or building up suspense and tension to something dramatic that is about to happen.

Drama - in drama they can use a variety of music types in order to keep the audience entertained or keep their attention, so they can be upbeat, fast, scary, romantic but it all just depends of the situation that is occurring because there's so much that can happen such as a wedding or a drug deal therefore the music types would be completely different. Examples of music used in drama films are the following songs My heart will go on by Celine Dion, Rebel Rouser by Duane Eddy and finally Hymn to the fallen by the Boston Orchestra. As you can tell there are a variety of songs used in drama because it depends on the film itself to what type of music it will be in order to fit in correctly so you can have the happy joyful music for example in finding private Ryan when they find him but then there can be sad music when the titanic ship was sinking.

Romance - there are two types of music that they commonly use in romance which are either sad depressing much that is usually played on the violin to create a upset man or women because the relationship hasn't worked out. They also use to introduce the film pianos and guitars quietly as there in generally narration over the top of it. Some music used in romance movies are Numb by Max Jury, Happy with me by Holychild and Not today Imagine Dragons. These songs are very calm and if you listen to the lyrics its all about memories and the what the future holds therefore they set the scene and genre type very quickly just by the music that is being used.


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