What are Genre Conventions?

Genre conventions are all the little fragments of genre that allow us to distinguish between the genre of the film, such as repeated plots an character similarities. These are often expected by audiences as they have been used many times before to portray and clarify the genre.

1) Conventions of the Horror, Sci-fi, Comedy, Romance, Teen, Action and Crime.

Conventions of a Horror film are as follows:
  • Dark or isolated setting such as a forest or abandoned forest or city to give realism effect
  • Disturbing sounds to add tension and detail creating suspense atmosphere such as footsteps
  • Dark colours to create gothic style for example Red for blood
  • Death, Supernatural or dark plots
  • Fast pace editing to create suspense effect switching from character to a door for example
  • Scary or eerie music to make a dramatic suspense scene and to create tension when there is no dialogue.
 Conventions of a Sci-Fi are as stated...
  • The future or the historical past that contradicts historical records such as Back to the Future
  • Setting on another planet or futuristic earth or other versions
  • New scientific principles like robots, Aliens or time travel to show difference between now and the future
  • Futuristic props like space guns and costumes to differ between now and the future
  • Futuristic elements and technology
Conventions of a Comedy film...
  • bright location in public areas and social events
  • camera angle which is naturalistic and shows the best of the characters
  • clear clarity of dialogue as its important to be funny and understandable
  • props are used in slapstick especially ones that hurt as seen to be humorous
  • character such as an idiotic person or group socialising with the rest of society (normal people)
Conventions of a Romantic film...
  • aimed at female audience
  • introduces two main characters in love
  • a voiceover to introduce the genre
  • includes sexuality, gender and love
  • typical boy meet girl routine
Conventions of a Teen film...
  • characters based around school such as the normal guy/girl and bullies, handsome men/girls, goths and nerds and the social aspects of each and how they engage with each other.
  • based around comedy or romance involving one main character or a main group of characters
  • social areas for setting such as school city or party's
  • normally involves love
Conventions of an Action film...
  • big city/ modern setting and location
  • motive and a clear plan or objective with good and bad characters
  • heavy machinery and high tech with explosives and action
  • cat and mouse chases with cars, guns and crashes
  • fighting and a lot of death including family and friends and main characters
Conventions of a Crime film...
  • includes murder or a serious crime
  • normally includes a main character such as a detective or a group of people.
  • based in city or modern areas to make it realistic.
  • includes blood or guns or any weapons
  • includes action and chases with fast paced scenes to create suspense
  • includes good and bad characters

2) Textual analysis of one film opening of each of the above genre's

Horror - Texas chainsaw...
The film had a voice over explaining the events in an uncomfortably settle tone which creates a tense environment instantly making you realise the type of genre is a horror due to you not being settled and left feeling the tense. The fast paced camera shots also creates tension making you feel uneasy and tense, asking questions and creating suspense and indications on the plot and story line. Long cuts as well made you pay attention to detail notice death is an occurrence and understand the setting which is like the west indies cowboy, desert town with tumbleweed.

Sci-Fi - Star Trek Into Darkness... 
Firstly, The first thing to catch your eye is the foreign planet and aliens with futuristic technology and also some old weaponry like the wooden spheres to show the planet was not very advanced. The odd coloured tree and alien like species indicated it was a Sci-Fi and not related to earth. The use of foreign language and English language links humans to aliens and we use this to take a hint the English are the main characters and are not associated with the aliens. The chase causes tension and also some action is used to create a suspense atmosphere making you nervous with what's happening next. The mention of time travel also indicates its in the future as time machines haven't been built in the present time and also shows they are then in the past hence the wooden spheres.

Comedy - Dumb and Dumber...
The strange events such as the car pulling up to fast then reversing and the haircut first shows an indication to the weird and funny relation as its entertaining. The main character is obviously the first driver who pretends to be driven. His misunderstanding of Austria and Australia is also amusing and deemed humorous. The setting Is in a city which shows realism and a women waiting for a bus which gives the scene a realistic effect. also jokes being made in the opening scene also makes the audience positive about the film and also helps them choose weather the first joke is in their sort of humour and the humour is consistent at the childish which is popular in comedy's. the dialogue is very clear so you can also hear them make jokes and talk to set the scene and understand what is going on.

Romance - P.S I love you ...
Two characters, male and female are introduced. This gives the audience a straight clue they are a couple however its clear there is an ongoing dispute. The man is chasing the women smooth talking his way to get her to forgive him and this shows love and compassion as her liking him means a lot. The focus is only on them and when they are in the apartment the dialogue is a lot and its clear they are in a relationship with having met the parents. also the conversation of sexuality and relationship makes a clear reasoning on why this is a romance themed film.

Teen - Kidulthood...
the urban soundtrack to the film gives an dramatic opening with the sort of age range of teens due to the age range of listeners to the music is that age group. the sound of the playground with laughter also get the audience ready for the scene. the informal school dress wear indicates the social class and the type of characters that will influence the film. the setting of school also sets the scene for the age range of characters and where the film will be set location wise. the dialogue is informal and very bitchy implying the group aren't the perfect social group and not the innocent kind of people. we then understand the film is based on school and school children and aimed at teenagers still in education.

Action - Inception...
The music becomes adrenaline pumping make you feel tense and added suspense leading you feeling prepared for the action ahead. The hyperbolic sound of waves takes you back to present day making it look realistic. the first character is introduced just waking up on the beach seeing children play making you believe its a figment of his imagination. He is then introduced by a man with a gun making you believe he is captured as the uniform and alertness makes you feel like he is the enemy as you are thought to think the washed up person is the good guy. Afterwards there is suttle meeting with tension with the clock leading to a dramatic explosion. The action and explosion then indicates the genre as firepower and opposing good guys and bad guys are formed turning into gun fire making a tense action packed fast paced fight.

Crime - Jack Reacher...
the dramatic music yet again prepares the audience for something tense giving the tension and also the suspense leading to the murder as it gets louder. the fast driving also indicates crime and leading to something tense. the cut scenes to another place of calm work also shows importance and informs the audience. the fixation on the time and close up of walking also creates tension and you know something is going to happen. Then the build of the gun portrays the action/crime and you are aware of the plot and story base. When he aims down the sights the close up of the public shows he is the bad guy and you are aware of the murder about to take place. The sudden rush also shows fast paced cut scenes which indicates he's a professional and its a big crime and he is the main bad character in the film.

3) Who is the target audience for each of these genre's?

For a typical Horror film, the target audience is based around the age of 18- 25 years of age. A horror normally contains a lot of gore, blood and disturbing scenes which people usually use for entertainment or to watch with friends. people under the age of 18 may watch but are not the typical viewers due to being too young, not allowed by parents or not in favour of scary scenes. people after the age of 25 normally grow out of horrors and settle down and have children and become mature and either watch other genres such as family or comedy or watch less TV altogether.

For a typical Sci-Fi film the age range is usually based around 12-25 because its such a popular genre but also can be suited for a younger generation such as early teens as it can be more suitable due to less violence and gore. Because its not real and can be based in future, space guns can be less terrifying than real guns and green blood can be more tolerated rather than real blood therefore more people who hate horror are attracted and enjoy that type of genre.

For a typical Romantic film the age range is 15-30 because female are the majority audience and romantic films are generally the more preferred genre due to the conventions of love, relationships and generally sex. This entices couples to watch as a date night or in general or the female find it more suitable to watch as its calm and often can be relatable. it applies to anyone who finds love with the typical age of 15 as that's a time where many relationships are taken seriously and also the sex involved in films is not suitable for any age less than 15.  older generations such as in the 20's also entice them because it can be relatable and more easy going as many females dislike action and horror and it can be their favourite genre as its cute and realistic.

For Comedy, the age range is around 15-30 due to humour is very popular and a lot of people no matter what age enjoy a comedy and like to laugh. can be watch alone or as a group or family but  mainly can be adult humour with inappropriate jokes or rude or offensive therefore an age limit of 15 is required therefore 15 is around the minimal age range but usually people watch comedy under the age of 15.most comedy's have a range of humour such as adult, childish, dark or suitable humour to watch with families therefore a wide range of age for the audience is enticed due to the different types of humour to relate to as normally its realistic and used in regular situations many come across such as a men's holiday or a night out.

For a Teen film the age range is around 12- 19 due to the films often relying on the same age as themselves such as school children or college people. it refers to school a lot and often entails romance or comedy which is favoured by both male and female. the age ratings are normally 12 0r 15 due to mature scenes or  inappropriate humour. above the age off 19 the film doesn't really apply due to it not relating to them or the humour is too childish or not entertaining. the Teens prefer teen films due to relatable humour and relatable plots as they are from school situations typically therefore many teens have witnessed or experienced similar situations such as love, bullying or something funny.

For an action film the film is normally based for male from 15-30 because of the explosive action and violence and fast paced chases and suspense. the age is 15 due to the violence and offensive language is not suitable for people under the age of 15 but some however watch it despite the requirement of age. a lot of men above the age of 20 also prefer the type of genre due to likening it in the past. men typically like action and explosions as its 'boyish' and its entertaining however it doesn't usually apply to females or children. because they are set in modern areas such as cities men also feel they can relate such as driving fast or spending time in cities and may feel they can relate or do some of the events in a film containing the genre of action.

For a Crime film the genre is normally between the age range of 15-30 due to the gore, violence and disturbing scenes. people under the age are not permitted by law to watch therefore, to not typically watch it and people above the age may find it too much. the Crime film normally consists of an age limit of 15 due to the excessive violence and gore. many adults or young adults find the thriller entertaining and enjoyable due to the suspense and tension building to find the killer. suspense is relatively enjoyed by young adults as its tense and exiting leading into something anti climax or exhilarating.

4) What do film companies do to attract these audiences in terms of marketing? 

In terms of horror films, the film companies sponsor scary theme park rides to entice adrenaline adults on the ride to watch the film such as the SAW ride at Thorpe Park.  The ride then sticks into the mind of the people and can relate the scary factors between the film and the ride making them watch the film if they enjoyed the ride. the ride is normally for young adults like 17-25 therefore this would entice that daring age range that went on the ride.

A lot of family films for example are shown in public places such as billboards or on buses to be spotted by adults, parents and families to entice them to go watch it at the cinema or pay for the film. children will also see this and be encouraged by the bright colours, animated animals and fancy writing. Also they introduce toys of characters from the film for the young children such as minions to want them watch the film or the family watch it to bond or entertain the child. This increases sales by costing for public advertisement or cost for production of toys. Advertisement on big channels such as ITV or children channels will surprise and encourage families who watch TV to have a day out and watch the film together especially if its a really good advert that really attracts the families such as big celebrities being part of the film or attractive characters such as animals for young children.

Action films and crime genre films are advertised on TV after 9pm to be seen by adults or older children such as teenagers so they can see it and be encouraged by the advert. it is shown at later times so children cannot see anything disturbing because the advert has to entail some action or violence to really attract people who enjoy action pumping adrenaline scenes.

The same with Romantic films due to leaving the adverts for after children go to bed to entice young couples with an advert or trailer containing love, relationships or short sexual scenes to encourage a couple to take a night out and watch it to bond or have a date. they can refer the trailer to similar films they have enjoyed before such as other old romantic films so they know they should enjoy it and it is worth the money and the time. They do this at late night so children do not see this and see sexual scenes for law of TV and also to not disturb a child or show anything inappropriate to someone who is too young as normally films with sexual scenes are rated 15+.



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