Examples of three existing professional films: 

Forest Gump: The plot is not very well introduced due to there not being much dialog and the main part of the opening scene is a feather flying around in the air which finally lands at a mans feet assumed to be Forest Gump. Therefore you cant guess what is going to happen due to there not being a base to work off. There was one main character in the film opening who was sitting on a bench waiting for a bus but we are still unsure who he is due to lack of dialog. It seems to have one location which is a town, the feather fly's past different thing in the town such as a church but the main focus is a bus stop. The credits of people involved in the making of the film just appear as the feather is floating around the town, its in a basic font which is clear and easy to read. You can see the opening two minutes of the film here:

Juno: Due to the opening part of the film you cant really see what is going to happen but because of the girl walking around it sets the scene so you can tell whereabouts the film is going to take place. In the opening part there is no dialogue due to there being music played over the top of the girl walking around which we assume is a town. The girl is the main character but there are background characters that you can see but you cant say weather they are going to be in the film later on or if they are just used in the opening section. There is one location set but it contains many things such as a few houses, a playing field, woodland areas and finally a street which I think is where the girl lives as she walks into a house. The credits are not in the opening part therefore they could be included in the ending part but there is no text included in the first part. You can see the opening two minutes of this film here:

Amores Perros: During the opening part of the film you can guess what is going on which is a car chase after two men. It jumps straight into it and sets the scene straight away. In the opening part there is a lot of dialog but it is in Mexican therefore you need to have the titles to understand what they are saying. There are a few main characters which you can expect the film to be based around which is the two men that are trying to get away from the other two men who are chasing after them for a unknown reason at this moment in the film. The location is a city, we can and cant expect to see them in the city again because they are trying to escape being killed but the other people who are chasing after them. There are no credits in the opening part but like juno they may be involved later on in the film or at the end but we cant tell this from the opening two minutes. You can see the opening two minutes of the film here: 

Examples of three as media made films:

Captive: During the opening part of the film the plot line is introduced fairly well you can make out that the main character has been captured by an evil witch or person. There is a big build up to the flash black which creates suspense for the viewers because you want to know why he is there but then you find out why after the tension has built up. There are two key characters in the opening the man/boy that has been captured and the women/witch that has captured him. There is no direct dialogue just the boy screaming for help due to the amounts of pain he is clearly in. The location is an abandoned building but there a many different camera angles that show a different view of the building, for example the cctv shows the surroundings of the building. The credits have been introduced through the whole two minute opening, they are just a basic font and the colour white to be clear and stand out. They are generally spread out in time lapses such as having a 10 second break in between the names of each person involved in the making. You can see the opening two minutes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93fH1fUQ-Lw

Hemlock: The plot line of this film hasn't been introduced very well, there's not much you can tell during the two opening minutes. You can tell clearly there has been a murder and a man is taking the body and burring it in a field but due to this you cant predict what else is going to happen or if you'll see them characters again. There are two main characters involved which are the man who is carrying the body in a wheel barrow and the dead women inside the wheel barrow. There is no dialogue involved because of the fact that there are two characters and one of them is assumed dead. There are two locations which is a long country road and then the field but they are both connected so it could be included as one location but they are two different types. There credits are the same as the previous as media film just clear white text with the basic credits like starring, edited by etc. You can see this film here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cdCSJkFoKw&t=6s

Carnage: In the opening part of this two minute film there isn't much to build off apart from the fact that you witness a murder. You can tell that the murderer is either angry or upset with something that the second character who gets killed has done. Once again there are two characters that have been introduced so far in the opening two minutes which is the man who is doing the murder and who we assume is a women being murdered because of the long female like hair. There is no dialogue involved in this part of the film because its a murder the women is just trying to run away therefore she cant scream and shout for help. The location is a forest but there a many different things used in the forest such as a river but then there's just a tree area where the murder happens. The credits aren't put over the normal part of the film they have a new slide in a scary and spooky sort of font. You can see this film here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMQR_pPHOWg&t=6s


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