Characters and Casting

Final character profiles and cast list of who is playing who?

The character profiles are the same as before we decided we liked the idea of the background and life therefore there is no differences to be added.

Cast list;

Harvey Folkard - Plays the part of Harry Bloomfield
Joe Kirby - Plays the part of Alfie Jones
Jack Kirby - Plays the part of the Unknown man

Images and justification of the casting members?

The reason why we used Jack shown in the first image to play the part of the unknown man is because he understood the role clearly and knew what had to be done but also that we had a dilemma with the other actor that was supposed to be playing that role therefore Jack stood up and done it. The second image is Harvey who plays the part of Harry Bloomfield and we used him because we felt for the boxer needed to be someone who looked older and stronger to give the impression of being a boxer which we feel like has been portrayed well. The final image is Joe who plays the part of Alfie Jones we used him because we needed someone who looked like a young teen who was smaller and clearly less dominant than the unknown man but also he is Jacks brother which made it easier to get him to the location.

Costumes that cast will be wearing and why?

Starting off with the main character Harry Bloomfield played by Harvey uses a costume which is used to show that he is a boxer therefore he is wearing the traditional clothes that you see a boxer wearing when they got for a run such as tracksuit bottoms and a big warm coat. This makes Harvey's character clearly show he is a boxer and is going on a ran for further training, especially by using his protein shake bottle. Joe's character, Alfie Jones has a very basic costume to show what a typical teenager wears to keep things natural therefore he is wearing slim fit sports tracksuit bottoms and a jumper, this means that you can tell he is a young teenager due to the lack of interest in branded clothing compared to young adults. Finally the unknown man's costume was made to come across as a threatening appearance by looking like a thug with a puffy coat and tight fit bottoms, by doing this is makes the character look like a thug which makes him seem scary and frightening.

What does each costume say about the characters?

From the costumes we have used you can tell that Harry is a very sporty and self motivated character that likes to run which is shown by the boxer look with the coat and hat. Alfie's costume shows that he is a young teen that isn't very careful on his appearance but can show he likes to play sport due to tracksuit bottoms being easy to participate sport in. Finally the unknown man's costume can tell you that he isn't a steady minded, as thugs usually go against the law or do things that aren't morally right therefore we have portrayed him as a thug like character to show he is a strong fearless guy.

How will you source these?

These costumes that we have used are very basic costumes therefore we have the clothing necessary ourselves without having to go out and buy or make them. The clothing is sporty or uses clothes that one of the members may own to give to the actors.


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