Alfie Jones 

Age - 14 

Profession - Student 

Likes - Basketball, Football, Rugby, Cars, Video games, Socializing and Making friends. 

Dislikes - Seafood, People that don't know stuff about cars, School, RE, Maths and English.

History - His mum and dad divorced at a young age and ever since he's felt alone, lives with his mum but shes is always working and never around but his dad is an alcoholic so he doesn't want to see him ever again. He has no other family apart from his Grandma as they all left the country or passed away, his Grandma lives on the other side of England so he rarely gets to see her. Has had a very basic life due to the divorce of his parents therefore he doesn't do much apart from hang out with his friends and play sport.

Personal Traits - Fearless, Intelligent, Independent, Passionate, Helpful, Charming and Humble. 

Friendship Groups - He has had the same friendship group since he was 7 years old and goes to school with them still. He also continues to want to stay best friends with them. Apart from his close friendship group he doesn't talk to any one else as he likes to keep himself to himself. 

Influences - He is inspired by and looks up to his favorite baseball player Kobe Bryant and wishes to one day meet him and player basketball with him. 

3 words to describe him - Lonely, Friendly and Intelligent. 

Harry Bloomfield

Age - 18 

Profession - Boxer 

Likes - Boxing, Running, Football, Going to Norwich City games, Video games and Spending time with family. 

Dislikes - Rugby, Music, Mayonnaise, Politics and Dogs. 

History -  He has been brought up in a rich boxing family that have encouraged him to be a professional boxer, didn't get any GCSE's as he was focusing on his boxing career, grew up with a twin brother who was more academic than him which has always made him jealous. Since he was a young boy he has always like to visit his uncle in London as he has his own gym for boxing. 

Personal Traits - Fearless, Athletic, Powerful, Strong, Kind, Caring and Determined 

3 words to describe him - Passionate, Funny and Friendly 

Unkown man

At this point in the film the man is unknown and further informtation would be realised about him if we carried on.


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